Recent Publication
Biophysical Journal – 08/11/2023
The mechanics of cephalic furrow formation in the Drosophila embryo
Redowan A. Niloy,
, Jeffrey H. Thomas, Jerzy BlawzdziewiczABSTRACT
Cephalic furrow formation (CFF) is a major morphogenetic movement during gastrulation in Drosophila melanogaster embryos that gives rise to a deep, transitory epithelial invagination. Recent studies have identified the individual cell shape changes that drive the initiation and progression phases of CFF; however, the underlying mechanics are not yet well understood. During the progression phase, the furrow deepens as columnar cells from both the anterior and posterior directions fold inwards rotating by 90°. To analyze the mechanics of this process, we have developed an advanced two-dimensional lateral vertex model that includes multinode representation of cellular membranes and allows us to capture the membrane curvature associated with pressure variation. Our investigations reveal some key potential mechanical features of CFF, as follows. When cells begin to roll over the cephalic furrow cleft, they become wedge shaped as their apical cortices and overlying membranes expand, lateral cortices and overlying membranes release tension, internal pressures drop, and basal cortices and membranes contract. Then, cells reverse this process by shortening apical cortices and membranes, increasing lateral tension, and causing internal pressures to rise. Since the basal membranes expand, the cells recover their rotated columnar shape once in the furrow. Interestingly, our findings indicate that the basal membranes may be passively reactive throughout the progression phase. We also find that the smooth rolling of cells over the cephalic furrow cleft necessitates that internalized cells provide a solid base through high levels of membrane tension and internal pressure, which allows the transmission of tensile force that pulls new cells into the furrow. These results lead us to suggest that CFF helps to establish a baseline tension across the apical surface of the embryo to facilitate cellular coordination of other morphogenetic movements via mechanical stress feedback mechanisms.
Read the article on Elsevier - Science Direct (full text available until October 12, 2023).
Teaching Philosophy
Adaptability and student-centered mentorship inform my teaching philosophy.
I use dynamic system modeling to represent embryonic tissues as a mechanically active media.